Friday, May 8, 2015

Friday Favorites

Happy Friday!  I am linking up with Momfessionals for this post.

This week is one big blur.  We haven't done that much, but we have also done so much.  We are trying really hard to wrap up our school year, so the boys have done a lot of school work.

My first favorite moment of the week is this.

I got to spend time with Trish and my mom on Saturday.  And then I got to see Trish again last night.  My sweet friend Tawnee got us tickets to Amy Grant and Michael W. Smith last night at Hope Presbyterian.  We went to McAllister's before and ate, then met up at the church.  Another of my sweet friends, Laura, was there as well with her daughter.  It was such a fun night!  I will admit to crying through the entire concert.

The reason I cried is because I love to worship God in song.  Some of the songs they sang took me back to my childhood, and I could remember my grandmother singing some of them.  Amy Grant talked about her mom passing away and her dad who has Alzheimer's and that made me cry as well.  I am a mess.  But God is so good and some of the words to the old hymns just go right to my heart.  Words like:

"Great is Thy faithfulness,
Oh God my Father
There is no shadow of turning with Thee
Thou changest not, Thy compassions they fail not
As Thou hast been, thou forever will be!"

How could I not cry during that beautiful song?  God has been so faithful to me, even when I have not been faithful to Him.

Sigh.  He is good.  He is loving and kind and gentle.

I got a few new bottles of OPI polish last weekend, on my excursion with Mom and Trish.  This is one of them, and will be a new favorite for the summer:

I love the name.  Chiffon My Mind.  It's really bright white and sparkly.  :)

I pulled out my old, beloved and favorite series of books this week.  I will finish this one today.

This series of books is like coming home.  I love the people woven throughout the pages.  This will be my third time of reading through this series.

A favorite moment from this week was seeing my friend Abbey twice on Wednesday and once yesterday.

She gave me her keys to unlock one of the youth doors Wednesday night and I accidentally drove off with them in my purse. Oops.  We had to go into Memphis to pick up Todd's truck, so when we got home, I picked up Graham, and we delivered her car to her house.

Another favorite time was yesterday, when I got to see these sweet ladies.

This is part of my small group from Renewed Moms.  We were missing a couple of people, and one of these ladies is new and was visiting with us yesterday, but oh my goodness.  I love them so much!  Yesterday was bittersweet, because it was our last day to meet this school year.

And next year, things will change a bit, and I do not love change!  But God stretches me by allowing me to not be too comfortable, so that's a good thing.

I love the building where we meet.  Such a beautiful, old church.

Well, that's about it for this week!  I have been strangely quiet on here...I'm not really sure, except I wonder if y'all get tired of reading the same old, same old every week?  I've heard crickets chirping lately.  ;)

I hope your week has been great.  Love to all.

1 comment:

  1. OPI make the best nail polishes! I love the look of your Chiffon My Mind shade.


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Wednesday Hodgepodge

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