Tuesday, November 7, 2023

favorite things and a few gift ideas -- online holiday edition


Happy Tuesday, friends! I was looking at some holiday things the other day in an email that I got, and I had the thought that I would share them here. I know a lot of you like to decorate early, so I figured I'd share this early since you may decorate soon. Our house may or may not be decorated. 😉 I'm also including a couple of great gift items that I would personally love to either give or receive. Click on each picture to be redirected to a link on Amazon. I'll jump in!

First things first are these pillow covers....

I use pillow inserts and covers in our house instead of just regular throw pillows. I do this for a few reasons: I like that I can remove and wash the covers, because our dogs love to use them as pillows. I also love that I can change them from season to season, and I've had fun doing that. I love that the pillows look really plush and extra fluffy; I have 22' square pillows, so I buy the 20' covers so that the covers are full. Lastly, I love that these pillows never go flat. I just give them a good fluff all the time. 

Next up...

I love this container of ornaments and am seriously contemplating changing our tree this year. Part of me really wants to do this, but part of me loves the nostalgia of the ornaments we have. Are you an ornament traditionalist? Do you have newer ones? I love our tree from year to year and think it's the perfect blend of both. I don't know if I can change it, but I'm just thinking about it for now. 

I realize that this isn't a decoration, per se, but I am super intrigued by this on-the-go-crock pot.

I think this is a great thing to give or receive! I would kind of love one for myself, honestly, but I'm thinking it would be perfect for teachers. Have you seen this? 

My husband has a wallet very similar to this one, and he loves the slimness of it. I'm considering it as a stocking stuffer for one of our sons.

Todd started having issues with his hip a couple of years ago, and a chiropractor recommended that he change where he keeps his wallet. Instead of keeping it in his back pocket, he keeps this one in one of the regular side pockets easily because of how thin it is. Drew had one and loved it as well, but he lost his wallet a few months ago and went back to an older one that's the traditional style. 

I also love the idea of gifting this to one of the men in my life. 

I don't claim to be a cologne expert, but this has great reviews and I'm sure each one smells nice. I might be tempted to try them first at Ulta, but it's a great way for them to try new fragrances they may like. 

Do you do stocking stuffers for the people in your life? I do, and I used to stress over this part of the shopping more than the gift items. I've learned a few things, though, and I have some ideas for those of you with sons. Why are they so hard to buy for??? My mom-in-love insists on keeping the stockings going for the family, and while I don't want to do that kind of thing when ours are older, I now just recommend that they give them gift cards to places they frequent, like Sonic, Chick-Fil-A, Zaxby's, or Subway. If not for fast food, then who wouldn't love an Amazon gift card?? The boys are so glad that she finally started doing this instead of buying them a bunch of small and impractical things. They always know they'll get candy in their stocking, too, and now she just buys their favorite kinds like Reese's Peanut Butter Cups or cookies-n-cream Hershey candy bars. 

For me with our sons, I also always put candy and beef jerky in their stockings. We have a local candy store that is a treat, so I buy the good stuff from Dinstuhl's to make it extra special for them. Last year they all got back scratchers, but other good ideas for guys are things they can keep in their vehicle like lotion, hand sanitizer, ice scraper, plug-ins for the vehicle, or Kleenex boxes to fit into the cupholder or door pocket. (Have you seen these? Target always has them; they're shaped like tubes and always have fun designs.) I've also been known to toss a little bit of cash into their stockings on the years when I couldn't come up with a better idea. Remember when fidget toys were all the rage? I think those could be a good idea as well. What do you for stockings, if you do? Have you started your Christmas shopping yet this year? I haven't, but my list isn't complicated. Todd handles everything for the boys, and I handle everything else. My one request is that I get their presents as they arrive so that I can start wrapping them. The older they get, the fewer presents they receive, since the items cost more. 

I am not one to make gift guides, but I totally respect those of you who do! They take way too much time, but I will probably continue to share more ideas like this as I see them while perusing Amazon. I love sharing things that I would buy for someone in my family, or even something that I would love to receive. One way that people shop for me is from a wish list that I keep on Amazon. I have several things that I will add to it throughout the year, both things that are practical, and things that are just for fun. I love this idea, and it's fun to be surprised from what people pick out from the list. 

How do you shop? I'd love to know this, because I am always looking for inspiration. Thank for reading my blog, friends! Love to all. 


  1. It seems a bit too early to me to decorate but decorating for Christmas is definitely a ¨you do you¨ type of thing. Whatever makes you happy- it does not impact anyone else (obviously!!). Alyssa bought her boyfriend that cologne sampler as a present and now I am thinking of getting a set for Jacob for Christmas so he can try different scents. Have a great Tuesday!

  2. Maria, I think it's early for most people! What can I say? I am my mom's daughter, and the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. 🤣 I am thinking about the cologne sampler as well! It's good to know that Alyssa liked it after she bought it for her boyfriend. Thanks for sharing that!

  3. We had the same idea today! I am the same - will throw out ideas, but not an extensive gift guide.
    I love doing stockings. We do things they need like socks, underwear, toothbrushes, chapstick, and a few candy items and a few silly items. Food gift cards have been a staple over the past few years. Cash is always great! I say don't overthink it. My kids really enjoy opening their stockings so I think I am going to pack some stocking stuffers or we can do it when we get home!

  4. Amy, that's so funny that we had the same thoughts for today! Those are great stocking things too. I have done some of those things over the years, but the items keeps changing with their age. You should do that! That would be so much fun for them.

  5. To this day, the girls tell us that the stockings were their favorite tradition on Christmas. One year, dad hid them and then wrote out clues of how to find them. We just put little things in their stockings like candy, fingernail polish, lip gloss and dad always gave them pens. It was fun for us finding the stuff to fill them with and fun for them to open them. One year, I packed up all their gifts into one big box and wrapped that. I found out pretty quickly that they did not like that. They wanted to have lots of packages to unwrap. lol Have a great day!

  6. I'm an ornament traditionalist - it takes hours to decorate our trees because each ornament has a special memory tied to it. We collect something each time we travel and we have ornaments for pets, school days, favorite toys, not to mention that gift ornaments that people have given us at our holiday open house or an ornament exchange. I can't wait to decorate! Usually the trees are up by now, just with the twinkle lights on in the evenings, and the ornaments would go up shortly. This year, however, my husband has a section of the floor ripped up for repair so I'm hoping he will finish it up this weekend! We have a daughter so girly-girl things always make their way into her stocking. Lip gloss, lotion, nail polish, nail files, other beauty tools, a toweling turban, her favorite candy. There are so many ideas on Pinterest for stocking stuffers for him, her, sons, daughters, friends, etc. I get a lot of inspiration there. And, of course, our daughter has an Amazon wish list so if there's something small, it will go in her stocking.

  7. I forgot to say that I love the look of that CrockPot!

  8. I would love receiving that crockpot for sure! :) My hubby was told the same thing about his wallet- too funny!

  9. I have had that crockpot for several years and I love it! I am a speech therapist in the schools and it is so nice to have plugged up and ready to go whenever I get a few minutes to eat!

  10. We have traditional ornaments that all have special meanings. I do put some colored balls on the tree, but it is fewer each year. I also love to do stockings, with little items. Gift cards or cash is a good idea. I definitely find it easier to fill my daughter's stocking!

  11. Cathy, that made me smile! You must do a great job on the stockings and gifts for them to say that. I loved hearing that story!

  12. Pamela, I have so many of those same kinds of ornaments. I love them, but as time goes on, I find myself using them less and less. This is why I would like a second tree...one for the sentimental ornaments and another one for fun and newer. I loved getting those same kinds of things in my stocking as I grew up! Boys are so much harder, I've found out. Especially as they get older!

  13. Holly, me too! I may end up treating myself. How interesting that your husband was told the same thing!

  14. Jennifer, that is great to know! Thanks for sharing!

  15. Tanya, those are the best kinds of ornaments! I love looking at all of them with all the special memories attached to them all. I could do stockings for girls all day long! It's the guys that are grown that gets me. 🤣

  16. teenage and older boys are so hard to fill stockings for! I always do candy,gift cards, toothbrushes, hair gel, etc but have been finding a few other things - Apple AirTags for luggage and backpacks, this putty stuff that cleans out earbuds, earbud case covers, phone cases.... and sneaker cleaner, because both my boys are obsessed. ;) The cologne sampler idea is a great one, I may have to just add that this year.

  17. Obscure -- Those are great ideas! Thanks for sharing those!


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