Monday, November 6, 2023

weekending and Prime Purchases

 Happy Monday, friends! I'm linking up with Holly and Sarah for today's post. 

How was your weekend? Mine was much better than last weekend, since this weekend I was back to normal after being sick last week. I'll take that any day of the week over the opposite! I'll jump right in with mine. 

I had to work for a little while on Friday, since there was a funeral taking place. I barely had the bookstore open for an hour, but I got a few things done while I was there to tie up loose ends from this week, so that was nice. I took care of a coffee order that had come in for me on Thursday, I cleaned up in the kitchen area since it had been used for the funeral luncheon, and I got some things ready for Sunday while I was there. After all of that, I went in and sat with Todd for the duration of the funeral. 

He ran the sound for it, so I just sat with him in the booth since I came in late. This was the funeral of my old friend who passed away. I'd mentioned here how I was dreading it, because I'm a sympathetic crier, but it wasn't sad at all. My friend lived a very sad life and I am glad that he is no longer suffering from his many problems. It's sad for his family, but I think in some ways, they're relieved that he's not suffering anymore either. It's so sad how one's life can take such a turn like that. It makes me thankful for this wonderful man of mine that is my husband. 

After the funeral, I met him back at home. We fed the dogs, then went to eat Mexican food for dinner. It was delicious, as usual! We ended our night out at Walmart, where I got the cutest Christmas sweatshirt.

I love this and cannot wait to wear it during the holidays. 

Saturday morning I was up early as usual, and I watched a Hallmark Christmas movie. I got dressed and met my sister Trish out at my dad's house to hang their outdoor Christmas lights. This is a labor of love, but we had the perfect, most beautiful day to do this, so I was thankful for that. 

I'm so sad that the leaves never really changed colors. I don't know why, except for maybe it's that we've had little to no rain? His lake is extremely low, for the same reason. It was a bit warmer than we would have liked, but it was a beautiful day. Our Christmas lights crew is pretty slim these days! It used to be Trish, my four boys, Dad, and me, then one by one the boys started trickling off the list as they got older and got jobs. Now it's just Trish and me, and I will tell you that we miss Dad's engineering brain doing this these days. It's a job and a half to figure out all the power sources, cords, timers, and strands of lights per power source. I confess that I do not have the brain for this kind of thing, but my sister does. While she was talking it through out loud, I was making notes on my phone. Poor Dad! I hate that he doesn't remember any of this anymore. Dementia sucks! We weren't able to finish, since we ran out of lights, so I'm meeting her there again tomorrow afternoon when I get off work. We'll finish with doing a Christmas tree on his flag pole, and we'll put some lights at the very end of his driveway. 

When we finished, I came home and showered the little spiders off of me, then I sat down for a bit before going to Mom's and Bill's for dinner. He made chicken kabobs and fried rice, and it was delicious! I oohed and aahed over Mom's Christmas decorations this year. She outdid herself! 

Can you believe how amazing this is? I grew up going with Mom to homes to decorate for the holidays. I loved watching her work! I love to do the same thing, though we have vastly different tastes, but I could not stop gazing at her tree last night. This is what I love about seeing people's homes: I think each home is beautiful in its own way! Mom gave me some of the ornaments that she had leftover, so I will be using them tonight or tomorrow night when our tree goes up. I'm working on my own home today, and I am so excited to be able to be here to do that. I have a process: I gather everything fall related to the dining room table, then I thoroughly clean the house before replacing all that I took down with Christmas. The boys that were home took everything out of the attic for me last night so that I could do this during the day today. 

Back to the weekend...I was at church by 7:30 on Sunday, then back home for a while by 12:30. I ate lunch, sat down for a few minutes, then left again for a baby shower. When I got back home, I showered and got comfy, and by that time Todd was back home. We enjoyed some leftovers for dinner, and had a quiet evening at home. I did some laundry, gathered up more of the fall decorations, got ready for Monday, and read my book. It was a nice night, even with it getting dark by 5:30. 

How do you feel about the time change each fall and spring? I actually don't mind either one. Someone asked this question on social media the other day and asked how we deal with it and whether or not we suffer from seasonal depression. I don't suffer with that, but I know many who do. I treat it like any other time of year: we eat dinner, clean up, and get comfy. I feel like that I take this time of year for what it is, which is a season of rest. I don't mind being at home earlier in the evening, and I actually kind of look forward to it each year. I know most people disagree on this, though. Do you not do anything different? Even though I am usually at home at night, I certainly don't let this keep me from doing fun things out. The dark does not bother me in the least.

Tell me something good from your weekend!  

And now onto party two of today's blog post...

I'm linking up with Tanya for this one. Click on each picture to be redirected to an Amazon link. 

I bought these last month as a gift, but I'm including them again today in case you want to use them as a gift idea. I have had this same pair for two years, and they are amazing! The charge on these last forever, and the sound quality is excellent. I even use them for talking on the phone as I cook dinner, and everyone always says how clear I sound to them. 

These come in other colors, but I like this pink color, since they blend in with my skin tone. 

Have I mentioned this hair product?

I love it! It drenches my curls with a seemingly water-based mousse that is very hydrating. I have a whole process to my hair, and in case you're a curly girl, I'll share about that on Wednesday. You should come back! 

I started using this sunscreen under my makeup, and I love it so much that I've let it replace my foundation. I don't know how long this will last, but I've been getting compliments on my makeup, so I guess it's working to my advantage. 

I love Cerave, so when I found this online, I knew I wanted to give it a try. I add a dime sized amount of this to my palm, mix in a few drops of my facial oil, and apply it together to my face using my hands. I love that it makes my skin glow, and that it also feels like moisturizer. I sometimes even do this on top of the Cerave moisturizer that I use in the mornings. I have super dry skin, and I do sometimes apply moisturizer two times each day. 

I ordered these miniature lights to use in my Christmas decorating this year. 

I'll keep you posted!

Lastly, I ordered a new Christmas popsocket for my phone. 

I have a neutral phone case, so I went with this bright red popsocket for Christmas. Do you use those on your phone? It helps me grip my phone better, and I love that I can use it to prop my phone off when I'm looking at something. 

I can't wait to hear about your Prime Purchases! Thanks for reading my blog, friends. Love to all! 


  1. I love the tradition you and your sister have of helping your dad decorate his property with holiday lights. I appreciate the effort people put into their own property to make it merry and bright; doing that for someone else is truly a labor of love. I don´t mind the time/ light change at all. I feel like with DS moving back until November, it is a pretty short window of darkness very early. By the end of the December, daylight is lasting longer and is noticeable not long after that. I like the ambient light from lamps and fireplaces when darkness descends. I also know of those who suffer from seasonal depression and I feel badly for them. But as it doesn´t impact me, I get to find the good in it! Glad you are feeling better- hope you have a great week!

  2. So the leaves here this year were not vibrant at all either and we all thought they would be given all of the crazy rain we had over the past year BUT I don't think there was enough sun so it couldn't do its job- ugh right? ;) Anyway, yes, your Mom's decorations are outstanding!

  3. So glad you feel better! I would be the worst at figuring out the lights. I also am a very minimal decorator. I can appreciate that it looks pretty, but it's too much going on for my taste. I have gone to a more woodsy, natural style in the last few years, probably inspired by my love of hygge. I agree with you about the time change. I don't like to be out driving around in the dark, but I am usually home anyway. I love twinkle lights and candles and this is the time for that! I need a new lamp in my living room because it's so dark in there for reading. I think I am going to put my Thanksgiving decor up tomorrow and take down the Halloween. Then, I will do minimal Christmas the day before Thanksgiving or the day after.

  4. Thank you, Maria! I totally get what you mean about people taking the time to do their lights. I always love and appreciate that! We have a whole street here that goes all out for Christmas, and I love that they do this every year. We took several drives down it last year, one with the dogs in the car, even. I am also thankful that since the DST doesn't affect me, that I can find the good in it at this time of year. I hope you have a great day!

  5. Holly, that's so strange that you've experienced the same thing with the leaves. I think you're right about yours, it sounds like. I do know that too much or too little rain will affect things like this. I hope you have a great day, my friend!

  6. Amy, right? That's how I felt with the lights! I remember you telling us about your decorating style last year during this time of year. I think it's also interesting what hygge can mean to each of us; to you it means more minimal, and to me it means cozy and very lived-in/inviting or warm. Even this conversation is what I love to know about people and why I love seeing people's homes either in person or in a blog tour. I just love seeing how people live and function in their homes, and why they do things the way they do.

    I think all of my tastes go back to my childhood. I remember our homes (Mom's and Dad's) being decorated with pretty and sentimental things, which is why I do mine that way now. I am like you and love ambient lighting. I never use any overhead lights, with the exception of our kitchen and dining room. You'll have to let us know if you find a lamp!

  7. We are grieving the long evenings with lots of light. David and I were just discussing it last night, that it starts casting strange shadows around 3pm and from that point on, it starts to feel gloomy. I think it would be ok if it was in January because it would feel appropriate for the season. But not for the holidays!

    Speaking of your dad's lake...ours is way down! I'm starting to get creeped out that I'll see a sunken ship or something :) hahaha
    I don't want to know what's under there!

    That's so sweet of y'all to put up lights for your dad. I've noticed with our parents, that when the kids leave, they no longer feel the need to decorate and that just takes away the joy of the holiday. Your mom is obviously the exception :) Her decorations are amazing!

    You may have inspired me to go ahead and decorate. Hmmmm...we shall see.

    Have a great day my friend!

  8. Debbie, so many people feel like you and your husband! I have several friends who do, actually. I am the exception on this! Somehow, it makes it feel more like the holidays to me, this getting dark earlier. My mom is definitely the exception on the Christmas! I always laugh because she usually puts hers up on or even before Halloween. It takes her a while to do it all, so I understand the need to start early and to pace herself. Mine only takes me a day, but it's not necessarily the decorating that takes me all day- it's the moving everything else off the surfaces, the cleaning, and the dusting that takes longer. Add to that the breaks for the dogs and lunch and other chores like cooking and laundry, and you see why it takes me the full day. Thanks for the sweet words about my dad's!

  9. So much to love this weekend...and in your post! Love that sweatshirt - it is so you:) Love your mom's tree, all the lights you got up for your dad (so sweet!), that cute popsocket and the sunscreen. Really interested in that and think I might give it a try. I'll be back on Wednesday, too. My hair is coming back sooooo curly!!:)

  10. Your father's land is beautiful! What a wonderful place to take a walk. Your mom's mantel and especially the tree are beautiful! I'm going to try that CeraVe sunscreen. My skin is really dry too. We use lights like those at church for our Christmas Carols and Candles. We put them across the back of the pews and they are so beautiful. Be careful though, they can tangle very easily. After the first year I learned to be very careful when taking them down and storing them until the next year. Hope you have a great day!

  11. Your Dad has a beautiful piece of property and how awesome it is that you and your sister take charge of the lights. Your Mom's tree is stunning! Love your shirt and popsocket - super festive!

  12. That Christmas sweatshirt is cute! I am sorry for the hard day while decorating at your dad's. Change and growth to aging parents can be hard and sweet at the same time.
    Your mom's garland on her mantle looks great! She is quite the decorator. I also love decorating with those little lights!

  13. Thanks, Jennifer! I didn't realize that your hair is coming back in curly. That's a fun change! It was a great weekend with a lot of merry thrown in for good measure. Those are always my favorite!

  14. Thank you, Cathy! It really is beautiful out there. I feel like I'm home every time I make the drive out there. I think I know that land better than I know our own home! That is so good to know about those lights. Thank you for that! I am sure that is beautiful with them on the backs of pews...I'd love to see a picture of that this year!

  15. Thanks, Marilyn! You are so right. Mom really is so talented! I always love what she does from year to year. It's never the same!

  16. Your mom's tree is beautiful...she's very talented! I do the same thing with putting all the fall decor on the table, then cleaning and bringing out the Christmas decor. Thanks so much for linking up with Prime Purchases!

  17. Thanks, Tanya! I think so too. It makes it so much easier doing it that way! I do the same thing at Christmas. Thanks for hosting us each month!

  18. I love that you and your sister decorate for your dad, even if it is a stretch. And I just started using a pop socket in August but now I couldn't live without it. I hadn't thought of getting a seasonal one but I'm off to search Amazon...!


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Wednesday Hodgepodge

  Happy Wednesday, friends! I'm linking up with  Joyce over at From This Side of the Pond  for today's post. I'll jump right in!...