Wednesday, December 21, 2016

What's Up Wednesday

I'm linking up with several people for this post, one of which is Shay from Mix & Match Mama.

What we're eating this week:

On Monday night, I made an easy tamale casserole that my family (plus others) love.  Last night I made chili, which was amazing, and I'm thinking about potato soup for tonight, with a new recipe that one of my friends gave me.  I'm all about soups when it's cold outside!

What I'm reminiscing about:

This whole year, how fast it's flown by, how I've spent my time reading the Bible and having quiet time, and my kids younger years.  It's weird having a high school senior.  I've cried more times than I can count, and I randomly teared up on Monday, thinking how different things will look here at home in the coming year when/if he leaves home.

What I'm loving:

These enchanting moments that hover right before Christmas.  My Christmas tree.  Christmas music.  Twinkle lights everywhere I look.

What we've been up to:

The boys are hanging out with friends, they're watching Fuller House on Netflix, I'm wrapping presents and watching Christmas movies, and Toddley is working.

What I'm dreading:

Christmas night and the day after.  I don't want it to be over.  Graham graduating.

What I'm working on:

I'm still reading through the book of Luke, and I'm almost finished.  Also, some ideas for me to do on the blog, in my personal life and in my house in the coming new year are rolling around in my brain.  I'm also preparing to read more in 2017, because I let that die down some this year.  I did read a lot still, but more than anything, I watched Netflix in the time I used to spend reading.  I must stop with the Netflix.  As soon as the Christmas movies are watched.

What I'm excited about:

As much as I dread Christmas ending, I do love a fresh, new beginning.  I love how clean my house gets after Christmas is put away for another year.  I'm looking forward to working on cleaning out two major areas of my house, too: the attic and the garage.

What I'm watching/reading:

Lately I've watched (on Netflix) The Spirit of Christmas, Christmas in the Smokies, Larry Crowne, and Hallmark movies.  My favorite Hallmark Christmas movie was Journey Back to Christmas.

I'm still reading Kissing Father Christmas.

And I borrowed these from my happy place yesterday.

Also?  Last night I went to see La La Land with my friends Missy and Ginger.

It was amazing!  So, so good.  Everything I hoped for and imagined.

What I'm listening to:

I still listening to this Christmas album and loving it.  My current repeat song is Help From Heaven with Matt Redman and Natasha Bedingfield.

What I'm wearing:

New clothes I've recently bought.  Warm and fuzzy leggings.  Cozy sweaters.  Boots.  Christmas pajamas.  Red, sparkly fingernail polish.

What I'm doing this weekend:

All things Christmas!  Eating with my family.  Finishing up the gift wrapping.  Watching Christmas movies.  Going to look at Christmas lights with my family.

What I'm looking forward to next month:

Snow, hopefully!  New starts.  Reading books.  Writing in my new 2017 planner and marking it all up.

What else is new:

Not much else, honestly.  I need to just make sure I'm doing all I can for Graham and preparing for him to graduate and start college in the fall.  A friend of our family is taking some senior pictures for him one Saturday in January.

Go read some of the other blogs linked up!  I will be doing that, too.  Love to all!

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